Boost Instagram Reach: 10 Ways to Increase Your Traffic

Instagram is the world’s leading social media platform, with over 700 million active monthly users. If you have an Instagram account and want to increase your reach, read on! In this blog post, we will discuss 10 ways that can help you get more followers and drive traffic back to your website. Let’s dive in!

– One way to increase your reach is by following hashtags. Hashtags are like words that categorize content on Instagram and help people find new accounts to follow based off a common interest or topic. Choose the right hashtag for your account so you can get more followers who have similar interests as yours!

– Try uploading high-quality images that get a lot of attention. . Hashtags are also important for this because they help people find your images more easily.

– Posting at the same time every day is a good way to get in on an increased reach routine!

– Create and upload videos with creative captions that relate to your niche, product or service.

– Take advantage of social media features such as the stories, reels, carousel posts and the newly introduced IGTV videos.

– Be sure to take advantage of the boost feature. This will increase your post-exposure by 20%!

– Use third-party tools such as scheduled posts, Insta stories & follow for a low price.

– Network on Instagram: Commenting and liking other people’s profiles is an excellent way to get more followers because they make you look active and approachable on the platform which makes others like you more. able and interesting.

– Use hashtags: They are a great way to connect with potential followers who might not know about your business yet. But be sure to use relevant ones or you risk being lost in the sea of other people’s content!

– Create an Instagram account for different purposes: Eg if you’re running multiple businesses, create a hobby account and one personal account, basically an account for each one.

Latest Instagram Features You Must Use To Boost Your Reach

– Instagram announced a new search feature that allows people to find other accounts based on their interests.

– Take advantage of the photos that you post by tagging them with relevant hashtags. This will let users see your content and follow you if they are interested in what you have to say.

– Posting compelling, interesting or entertaining content will help you reach your goal of increasing Instagram reach.

– Use the stories feature to post live videos or photos that disappear in 24 hours, which is a great way to increase interest and attract new followers on Instagram.

– Look at the analytics for your account by going into settings > insights > data usage tab. You will get a glimpse of what your account looks like in terms of followers. You can also see which posts are the most popular and which ones you should consider posting more often.

-Get involved with hashtags by joining conversations that are relevant to your account or create a new hashtag for an event, product release etc.

-The Instagram app is very easy to use so don’t complicate or get confused, understand the basics and get started and you will be on your way to increasing Instagram reach.

-Engage with other people’s posts in a meaningful and genuine way and don’t promote or spam others because this is not what the platform is for.

-Create an editorial calendar outlining which days of the week you are going to post content, how many times per day you will be posting, and what content you are going to post.

-Add a call to action in your posts by asking them for comments, feedback or shares because this will have people engage with your account more often which increases Instagram reach.

-Start using hashtags when posting images as it is an easy way to find other users who might be interested in your posts.

Bonus Hacks to Grow Your IG Reach

-Use tags on Instagram posts to trigger action or monitor the content.

-Create a hashtag for your company and promote it by using it in any of your social media platforms which will lead people that use Instagram to find you.

-Engage with top influencers who are relevant to what you do and have them post about your product/service.

-Reach out before posting, comment or liking someone’s photo because this will make them more likely to want to interact with you if they see that their feed is getting engagement from other accounts as well.

-“Save” hashtags when doing research so that you can come back later and fill in some of the blanks so all those hours spent investigating will be much more productive.

-Create a list of hashtags and their meanings to make sure you are using them correctly, this will lead to better results when it comes time for promoting or engaging with others on IG because your posts will have a clearer message that is easier to understand.

-Use the “mute” feature in Instagram so that irrelevant notifications we less distracting and also don’t overwhelm your feed by coming up first thing every morning.

And if you are serious about it, you can simply reach out to IGGViral and get yourself a marketing plan that gets you active Instagram followers that boost your reach and engagement within a few weeks!

Boost Instagram Reach: 10 Ways to Increase Your Traffic

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